It is no longer just our bodies that we need to keep in shape for summer, but our skin too.

Statistically, summer is our favourite season, with longer daylight hours, christmas feasts, festive drinks, holiday houses and regular trips to the beach all commonplace in the Australian way of life. Unfortunately, our romance with summer can also take a significant toll on our skin.

When Summer strikes, the soaring temperatures escalate with both dry and humid air, bringing with it intense UV radiation. In intense heat, we often submerge ourselves in chlorinated pools, close our doors with air-conditioned rooms or have prolonged or colder showers. All of these things can contribute to our skin not being able to function correctly, resulting in a rapid shift with our skin’s health.

Common Skin Conditions Experienced Through The Warmer Months Can Include;

  • Dehydration due to artificial cooling (air-conditioning) in our home and work environments.
  • Pigmentation due to increased exposure to intense UV radiation which can lead to spotting (freckles).
  • Hyperpigmentation due to stimulation by heat and rising temperatures, which can cause pigmentation to darken even further.
  • Erythema due to intense heat and UV radiation, which can cause redness and warmth within the skin, often flushing through the cheeks, forehead and chin area.
  • Excess Oil due to rising temperatures, which causes skin glands to secrete sweat and oil from the skin. When this sweat mixes with bacteria, it can block and clog the pores. This can lead to a range of texturising problems including clogged pores, blackheads and even breakouts.

How To help Fight Against The Summer Skin Conditions:

  • Make sure to cleanse your skin morning and night, to clear the skin of excess oil, dirt, pollution and makeup.
  • Implement a hydrating serum into your routine as this will lock in water, as well as help to build up the skin’s natural barrier and fight against further trans-epidermal water loss.
  • Avoid products that contain emulsifiers, which are used to combine water and oil. When an emulsifier is on the skin, it will never lose its ability to combine water and oil. As such, if the skin starts to sweat, the water will be drawn out along with the oil, dehydrating the skin.
  • Make sure you are wearing an SPF 50 for all daylight hours,. A lightweight and non greasy formula is prefered for this time of year. Even when driving in the car or putting the washing on the line, the skin always needs to be protected from UV radiation.
  • Add a zinc supplement to your diet. Zinc boosts your skin’s immunity whilst having anti-inflammatory properties, to help build up the skin’s defences.

If you are concerned about your skin condition this summer, and would like further advice on your skin care, I am always here to help and guide you on your way to beautiful skin. Please email me at [email protected] anytime. No questions are ever too silly!